JCh., Club JCh. Gretta Ambassador Sun JWW – Buffy (Devils and Fairies Flash of the Blade x Alessia Queen Ambassador Sun)
Atomic Elation Bombastic Beast – Ati (Kyraloebis Italian Gigalo x Gretta Ambassador Sun)
Mr. Paul T. Stanway (UK, Waystaff)
Ati – Black brindle, excellent head shape and expression, correct well boned front, beautiful top line, good angulations rear, she looks beautiful from all angles, correct movement, presented well, EXCELLENT 1 / VÝBORNÁ 1.
1st (from 37 bitches in Junior class) Atomic Elation Bombastic Beast at SBTC Czech Special Club Show.
Mrs. Clare Lee (UK, Constones)
Buffy – Very good head shape, good cheek, good skull, round eye, good ratio of foreface to skull, good depth of foreface, well placed rose ears, good width of front, good ham, good shoulder placement, good spies of ribs, good coupling, well angulated hindquarters, alert standing and so her move – EXCELLENT 1 / VÝBORNÁ 1.
Mr. Gordon Mark Davies (UK, Sebsonic)
Buffy – Černá fena s malou bílou skvrnou na hrudi, dobrý tvar hlavy, dobrý výraz, správně nesené uši, správný skus, dobře sevřené tlapy, dobrá hřbetní linie, dobrá v pohybu – VÝBORNÁ / EXCELLENT.
Mrs. Jo Blacker (UK, Crossguns)
Buffy – Hezký tvar hlavy, správná morda, dobré uši, pěkné tmavé oči, hezká přední fronta, rovná hřbetní linie, dobrý pohyb – VÝBORNÁ / EXCELLENT.
Beautiful baby’s, you should be very proud.